
15 Barriers to Personal Productivity

When it comes to personal productivity, most of us can be better. If we eliminate some bad habits or time wasters, how much more could we accomplish? Could we carve out more time to spend with family and friends? Or maybe just do things we enjoy? The first step to getting more done starts with changing some behaviors.  What are you doing or not doing today that prevents you from being productive at work or home?

Common Productivity Roadblocks

You can’t remember what you have to do.  If you don’t have a method to easily and effectively capture tasks that need attention, things get overlooked. If you don’t write it down, you simply forget. There are various apps available to capture tasks. Most of them can sync with all your devices: computer, tablet, and phone. Choose one and your to-do list will always be close at hand!

Tasks on your list don’t make it to your calendar.  You need to set time aside in which to do the tasks that need to be done.  Lists provide a reminder of what you need to do, but they won’t get done until you schedule them on your calendar. Most of the apps for tasks and to-do lists work with your calendar.

Set aside the wrong time.  Are you working against your energy?  Some of us are morning people, others night people.  Align your tasks with your energy levels. So try to schedule important tasks when energy levels are high.

Miscalculate how long tasks take.  We often think tasks take less time than they do. It’s a common issue. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day and add some buffer time for the unexpected.

You’re the wrong person for the job. Recognize your strengths (and weaknesses) and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.  None of us are experts at everything. So don’t waste time on tasks you can delegate or outsource. Your time is valuable so spend it doing the right things.  You’ll be more productive — and probably a lot happier. 

The task is overly complex.  It’s human nature to avoid tasks that are too complex or cumbersome.  They often take a lot more time. Finding big blocks of time in your day to work on them makes it easy to understand why we put them on the back burner! The best solution is to chunk complex tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces and then attack them over time.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. — Vincent Van Gogh

Space is unorganized.  If your workspace is disorganized and cluttered, it will steal time and energy from your day.  If you spend a lot of time looking for stuff to get started, then it’s time to organize your workspace.

Unclear goals and priorities.  Without clear goals, you have no basis for making decisions on how you spend your time or prioritize the many choices you face daily.

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. — Jimmy Dean

Unrealistic workload.  Sometimes life does overload you. Usually (or hopefully) these are temporary.  Recognize it and delegate or eliminate the non-essentials during these times.

In transition.  Life changes sometimes make it difficult to determine how to invest your time.  The best way to overcome this is to re-identify your goals and create a roadmap for the change.

The work environment is full of interruptions.  Being easily accessible or readily available has its drawbacks.  Recognize this and plan for it.  Create a block of time each day that is interruption-free and under your control – even if you must leave your office (or your home) to get it.

Need to be a helper.  Assisting others personally or professionally can make your life rich and rewarding.  But only when it’s kept in balance.  Too much can make you resentful and overwhelmed.  Sometimes we get so caught up in our own need to be appreciated and feel valuable that we don’t let other people help us.  You empower people when you allow them to contribute, so let others help you too!

Love creating.  You keep starting projects but have a hard time finishing them.  But half-finished projects don’t deliver results and the sense of accomplishment that comes with getting things done.  This zaps energy and hurts productivity. Get some results-oriented people involved with your projects — employees, colleagues, or a business coach can help.  Spend some time with people who love getting things done. 

A need for perfection.  Not all tasks are created equal.  Do you feel compelled to do everything at the same level of excellence?  If you set the same high standards for every task, you will not finish anything.  Adjust your standards based on the specific tasks.  Some are worth your extra effort, some are not.  Remember, sometimes good is good enough!

Fear of losing creativity.  Some people fear that imposing structure or routines in their lives will squelch their creativity.  As a result, their lives are chaotic and often stressful.  Therefore, you need to learn to trust that you can put structure in your schedule and still be creative.  You don’t have to plan every minute and hour, but you can map out a general rhythm to your day.

The first step to making some changes comes from recognizing the need to do so.  Don’t try to fix them all at one time.  Focus on one then move to the next.

Tired of Hitting Roadblocks?

Are productivity and other issues causing roadblocks?  Would another set of eyes and accountability from an expert help you to get more done? If the answer is a resounding YES, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation today.

About Joan Nowak. I’ve been helping business owners turn ideas into profits for more than a decade. My whole-business, common-sense approach empowers my clients and drives improvements in critical areas, including revenue, operations, team development, customer satisfaction, and profitability.

time wasters to avoid

7 Time Wasters to Avoid

Back to school means back to work. With the lazy days of summer drawing to an end, it’s time to refocus and get back to business. So it’s also a good time to reinforce a few things to boost your personal productivity.

7 Productivity Killers

You have unclear goals and priorities. This is one of the biggest time killers for small business owners. Without clear goals, you have no basis for making decisions on where to spend your time or how to prioritize the many choices you face on a daily basis.

Only four months left. So get clear on what you want to accomplish (goals) and set priorities so you actually do them. It’s one of the best things you can do to improve your own personal productivity.

Tasks have no home. To-do lists provide a reminder of what you need to do, but they won’t get done unless you set time aside to work on them. Tasks that have no home on your calendar will remain forever on your to-do list. Review your list weekly and block off time throughout the week to work on what’s important. You’ll get more done and likely work on the right stuff!

You can’t remember what you have to do. If you don’t have a method to capture ‘to do’ items in one place — easily and effectively — chances are you will miss important tasks because you simply won’t remember. Kill the post-it notes that get lost or forgotten and use a planner or smartphone instead.

The tasks that are important are overly complex. It’s human nature to avoid tasks that are too complex or cumbersome. You need to simplify them. Break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Then attack them one task at a time. 

Your space is unorganized. A cluttered desk creates a cluttered mind. If the physical space in which you work is disorganized, it will steal a huge amount of time and energy from your day. 

If your workplace is a mess, try to dedicate 15 minutes a day to organizing. File away what you need to keep and throw out what you don’t. Take advantage of technology. Try scanning important documents to save time and space. Finding documents in your computer is always easier than searching through stacks of paper. 

You have a need for perfection. Not all tasks are created equal. If you set the same high standards for every task, you will get less done. Adjust your standards based on the specific tasks. Some are worth your extra effort, some are not. Remember, sometimes good is good enough!

Your work environment is full of interruptions. Being easily accessible or readily available has its drawbacks. Recognize this and plan for it. Create time each day that is interruption free – even if you must shut off the phone or leave your office to get it. While interruptions may not seem like a big deal, they add up and rob you of precious time each day.

Start Improving Productivity

The first step to improving personal productivity comes from recognizing the barriers that hold you back. The next step is to fix them. Take it one step at a time, but start applying these ideas and you too will get more done in less time!

Is Accountability Your Missing Ingredient? 

Are you ready to take a leap forward? To get started and stay on track? My accountability programs offer an affordable way to get the help you need.  More than accountability, this program provides business owners with structure, another set of eyes and practical advice too! Click here to learn more.

To learn more or schedule a free consultation, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email

calendar - clock

How to Build Good Habits and Buy More Time

Need more time?  It’s one the biggest complaints I hear, especially from small business owners.  There are a lot of things you can do to improve personal productivity and get more done. It’s simply a matter of forming some better habits — and its easier than you think.

Habits are nothing more than behaviors that are repeatedly done — so they become almost automatic.  They require discipline and consistency. With increased personal productivity as a goal, lets start with some basics. Things you can do today to make a difference and build on later for continuous improvement.

Best Time Management Tools

To get started, you need the two BEST time (self) management tools:

  • Calendar where you record your business and personal commitments and schedule important tasks.
  • Master To Do List where you capture all the critical tasks or stuff you need to get done so you can schedule the time to work on it.

Whether you use your phone, tablet or print planner, keep them handy and easily accessible.  You won’t use a calendar and to-do list if it’s inconvenient or you need to go find them all the time!

3 Steps to Get More Done

Now that you have the tools, make it a daily habit of doing these three things:

  1. Prioritize tasks on your to-do list.  All tasks are not created equal.  Some are urgent and important, some are important but less critical and others are simply not important or critical – when time allows! Tasks that are not urgent now may become pressing later if left undone – so review and re-prioritize as needed.
  2. Review your calendar for next day commitments.  If you have appointments or meetings, pull together what you need in advance.  It will eliminate stress and makes for more effective meetings.
  3. Schedule the next day ‘to do’ items on your calendar. Getting up with a plan for the day is the key.  For many, it is energizing.  More important it keeps you focused.

At the end of each day, check off the completed tasks, which feels great, then re-prioritize tasks and schedule the next day.  It’s a great habit to form and will certainly help you get more done.

A few additional time-management tips
  • Don’t over-schedule.  Be realistic.  Tasks often take longer than we anticipate so build in a little buffer.
  • Commit to Yourself.  When you schedule time for important tasks, give these ‘self’ commitments the priority you would give to meetings or commitments to others.
  • Match energy level.   Take advantage of high energy times to focus on important tasks.
  • Minimize distractions.  Unless YOU set the expectation, your customers, suppliers, and staff won’t expect 24/7 accessibility.  A timely response works fine.  Check email and phone messages three times per day — morning, lunch and about an hour before you head home. Don’t let the phone, text, and email rob you of precious time each and every day.
Ready to Build Your Own Success Story?

Are you ready to move your business in a better direction and wonder if working with a business coach can make a difference? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary consultation. It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email


How to Take Advantage of the Summer Slowdown

For many small businesses, the summer months are generally slower than other months.  It’s a great time to take a vacation or spend some extra time with family and friends.  But it’s also a great opportunity to plan, organize or take on a new project. Are you taking advantage of the summer slowdown to speed up your success?

5 Ideas to Take Advantage of Summer Slowdown

#1 | Re-evaluate your goals and re-set your priorities.  Are you on track?  What do you need to do over the next six months to get where you want to be?

#2 | Organize your space.  It’s amazing what it does for your productivity!  So file what you must and throw out what you should.

#3 | What project have you been planning to tackle, but putting off?  Pick one and start taking action.  Here’s a few my clients have undertaken during the summer months:

  • Review systems and procedures you currently have in place.  In many cases, you will uncover some changes that will improve productivity or efficiency.
  • When was the last time you did employee performance reviews or feedback?  There’s no rule that says these must be done in January.  If it’s been a while, make this a priority – and get them done.
  • Improve your online presence.  When did you last make any additions or changes to your website, social media profiles or pages or online business directories?  Take some time to review and update where appropriate.
  • Check out a new group or business organization.  While attendance often falls in the summer months, those who do attend are usually eager to meet new people – and you can benefit from the connections.

#4 | As you learn and grow, so will your business – so invest some time in personal development.  Enjoy a good book that can inspire and educate. Check out my reading recommendations.

#5 | When was the last time you looked at your pricing and costs?  Are they still aligned properly and generating the profit margins you want and need?  Is an increase warranted?

The summer may be slower, but it’s still filled with opportunities.  Take advantage of them.

Ready to Put Your Business on the Path to Success?

Would working with a business coach help you take your business to a whole new level? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary consultation. It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email


7 Secrets to Better Time Management

It’s no secret that many people try to accomplish more than is humanly possible each day. They believe that with better time management they can accomplish more. But getting more done takes planning and discipline. It’s about managing yourself and how you choose to spend your time.

7 Secrets to Help You Manage Yourself

  • Evaluate how you use most of your time. If you want to improve anything, you need to start with a clear understanding of where you are today.  Start by jotting down what you do, big and small, for a week or two. Include work, personal and family related activities. Make note of interruptions too!  This little exercise will help you identify the time stealing activities so you can begin to eliminate, delegate or manage them more effectively.
  • Establish a default calendar for your ideal week. We all have routine tasks and activities each week, so allocate time for them on your calendar. Then structure other activities or tasks such as meetings, sales calls, planning, or project specific work around them. Remember to also schedule family or personal commitments too. We all need ‘me’ time but will rarely get enough if we don’t plan for and schedule it.
  • Think good or great, not perfect.  How much time do you waste trying to perfect something you are working on? Is the extra time really going to make a difference to anyone but you? All tasks are not created equal.  Sometimes good is good enough. Reserve perfect for the things that warrant that ‘time’ investment.
  • Work on priorities during peak energy times. For most people, energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Know when your energy level is typically highest and work on priorities or challenging tasks at that time.
  • Establish systems for routine tasks to eliminate duplication and gain efficiency. Try to group similar tasks, like email, returning calls, or researching information, together to reduce stop/start time. Create and use templates for common communications — don’t re-invent the wheel each time!  Be decisive and take action when handling email — respond, delegate, schedule task or meeting and delete or file.
  • Limit Weekly Priorities.  Goals help us prioritize what is important.  But if you have too many priorities, you accomplish less, not more.  So limit weekly priorities to 3-5 based on the scope of the tasks. If you have too many priorities, you really have none.
  • Say No. Interruptions like phone calls, text and office drop-ins are productivity killers so tune them out, turn them off or shut the door. Meetings without a clear purpose — why bother?  Requests for help? Certainly but not right now. Schedule a time that is convenient for you — and you may find they figure it out on their own!  If you value your time, learn to say no to things that waste it or don’t need your involvement.

Self-management requires discipline, clear priorities, boundaries for yourself and others – and a willingness to say NO when appropriate. Use the above tips to start changing your behaviors.

Can Accountability Make A Difference?

With so much on your plate, it’s easy for business owners to get side-tracked. What if you had someone to help you stay you on track, prioritize tasks, deal with overwhelm, make better choices and decisions? Someone to provide a fresh perspective to challenges or roadblocks?  Click here to learn more about my accountability program for business owners.

procrastination steals

Ready To Stop Procrastination?

Procrastination is an enemy of small business owners, stealing both your time and money. It’s not a matter of laziness or a lack of ambition. Most owners are committed to hard work and very motivated.

Why People Procrastinate

While we all procrastinate at times, here are some common reasons and what you can do about it.

#1 – You feel overwhelmed. You have a never ending to-do list, take on too much and have difficulty prioritizing.  Overwhelm often leads to inaction or maybe starting but never finishing tasks. In many cases, this is a result of poor organization and time management skills.

Fortunately, these skills can be learned and developed.  Plus, the tools you need, including a to-do list and calendar, already exist. Check out 3 Habits to Help You Take Control of Time to learn more.

# 2 – You don’t like the task.  When you perceive a task to be boring, time-consuming or difficult, you try to avoid it. It’s human nature. And since you are focused on the negative, such as it’s too hard, it’s really about attitude.

Solution.  Change the focus to something more positive. For example, I will learn something new or it’s a good opportunity for the business. With a different attitude, you’ll find the motivation to get started.  Taking the first step is often all you need.

#3 – You get distracted. Technology has increased this problem. Smartphones and social media have made it easy to access everything from videos and news to everyone — family, friends, staff, and customers.

The solution.  Identify your most common distractions and ‘turn them off’. Put the phone away, turn off the notifications, shut your office door when you don’t want to be disturbed. Next, create a work environment that is pleasant and organized.  Files, excess papers, and magazines can also cause distractions. Put them away or throw them out!

#4 – You sabotage yourself. Whether it’s fear of failure, perfectionism or staying within your comfort zone, your self-limiting beliefs hold you back.  They prevent you from taking action, trying new things or finishing tasks until everything is perfect.

The solution.  Recognize procrastination when it happens. Ask yourself, why are you procrastinating? Acknowledge your thinking and then look for the opposite of your thinking pattern.  For example:

  • If perfection is a problem, remind yourself that 80% today is far better than 100% next month. Good is good enough!
  • If you feel overwhelmed, simplify complex tasks into smaller ones that you can tackle one piece at a time.
Additional Ways To Get More Done
  • Share your goals and deadlines. Tell at least one other person so they can lend support, help you stick with it and hold you accountable.  Find an accountability partner.
  • Celebrate and reward yourself. When you finish or accomplish things, especially those pesky tasks you’ve been putting off, reward yourself.  Then check it off the to-do list – it feels great!
  • Plan some me-time in your day. Staying focused on the tasks at hand is easier when you have something to look forward to – your reward for being productive.  So schedule some time to do at least one thing you enjoy every day – from exercise to video games.

Remember, procrastination is simply a habit you form – and it often creates more stress. You can change any habit by recognizing the cause, changing the behaviors and taking action!  Try some of these tips to help you get more done each and every day.

Ready to Put Your Business on the Path to Success?

Would working with a business coach help you take your business to a whole new level? Then let’s explore the possibilities with a complimentary consultation. It’s a chance to get to know each other, discuss your goals and the obstacles that hold you back. Together we can determine if there is a good fit between your needs and my services.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call me at (856) 533-2344 or drop me an email

Where Does Your Time Go?

Where Does Your Time Go?

The Secret To Get More Done

It’s no surprise that a lot of new year goals and resolutions include get more done or be more productive.  But  the key to changing behaviors, such as time management, begins with recognizing the problem or need.  If it’s one of your goals, you’ve taken the first step.

Fact, there are only 24 hours in a day.  You can’t add more hours.  But you can get more done when we improve efficiency and eliminate the time wasters.

Below are seven  common reasons why people lose precious time each day along with some suggestions to correct them. The good news is that little improvements in any of these areas help you get more done at work and at home.

Disorganization.  Whether in business or at home, getting organized is a key to getting more done.  If you spend a lot of time ‘looking for stuff’ to start or finish a project  or work in an environment full of clutter and distractions, tasks becomes a chore and take longer to complete.

Solution:  Make getting organized a priority.  Create a filing system (onsite or in the cloud) that works so papers and other important documents are off your desk and stored in a place that is easy to find.  Take advantage of scan technologies to keep important information – without the paper!  Instead of post-it notes, use a calendar and centralized to-do list (paper or electronic) to remind you of important business and personal meetings, tasks and activities.

Unclear Goals/Lack of Focus.  Without clear goals, everything looks like a priority and it’s difficult to focus on the right stuff!

Solution:  Set specific personal and business goals.  Then identify what you need to do in order to achieve them.  Chunk down the activities where needed and schedule time to work on them.  Whether you call it an action plan or not, use this list of goals, activities and completion dates as the litmus test when faced with requests for your time.  Is the task or request moving you closer to your goals or simply a distraction that holds you back?  Say NO to things that don’t move you forward.

Too Many Text and Phone Interruptions.  In the cell phone era, it’s become easy for people to connect with you at any time.  Most people silence phones when in meetings – it’s the professional thing to do! But what about when you are working on projects or other important tasks? These little interruptions rob you of precious time.

Solution:  Silence the cell phone or put it away so it’s not a distraction.  Set expectations and boundaries, define your working hours (even if you work from home) and communicate them to clients, family and friends.

Poor Planning.  If you want to accomplish more, you need to plan better.

Solution:  As I mentioned above, a central to-do list and calendar helps keep you organized and focused. But you need to block off time and put tasks on the calendar to actually work on them.  Most people assume they can accomplish things quicker than they can.  Be reasonable, allow for some unplanned stuff and build in a little buffer time.  Don’t beat yourself up when you don’t finish something. You’ll improve your planning and scheduling as you learn. Just start doing it.

Procrastination.  This is a big time waster and often results when you are unclear on what you need to do  or you are faced with doing something out of your comfort zone.   You know, the tasks you don’t like doing, so you keep putting them off – even though they are important.

Solution:  In his book, Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy provides 21 ways to stop procrastinating and get more done.  One of the takeaways that I use often is to attack the ‘biggest’ frog first!  Early morning is when I’m at my best, so I try to work on critical tasks at that time.  It also gets the task off my plate early,  so it’s not hanging over me all day long.  I find this works and other suggestions in the book may work for you.  The key – don’t let procrastination stop you from accomplishing what you need to do.

No Routines.  While routines may be boring, they bring a sense of clarity that helps us accomplish more.  Think about some of the routines you employ in your personal life – from getting up in the morning to homework and bedtime routines for children.  These help you operate efficiently without a lot of thought. Employing routines, personally and professionally, contributes to efficiency and helps you achieve more.

Solution:  What routines can you build into your day?  Here are a few to consider:  handling email, returning phone calls, working on projects or business development tasks, attending meetings or conference calls and going to the gym/exercising.

Lack of Training.  When we do something new, it always takes longer.  But as we learn and gain proficiency, the time spent doing goes down.  Think about the first time you used email, text messaging or Quick Books?  They took more time initially, but as you learned and used them, it became easy and efficient.  Training is a way to shortcut the learning and improves efficiency sooner so you get more done.

Solution:   If you lack skills in critical areas, from technology and financials to marketing and time management, get help or invest in training.  It will save precious time now and money in the long-term.

Disjointed Processes.  Systems are one of the best leverage tools out there for busy entrepreneurs.   Streamlining and standardizing procedures to make daily operations easier, efficient and more effective are a key to getting more done – and getting it right each and every time.  They eliminate waste and save you time and money!

Solution:  Make documenting procedures a priority.  Start with the most critical – those that impact your time or income/profit.  Take it one at a time, but get started.  Each system you build saves time and improves profit. It’s a win-win.

Surfing the Web and Social Media.   The introduction of smartphones has literally put everything at our fingertips. It’s a great tool if used with discipline. Be cognizant of the time you spend online.  We often think it will ‘just take a minute’ – and end up online for 10-15 minutes.

Solution:  Take control of your web and social media time and you will have more time to spend on other things.  Set specific times for these activities – preferably non-business hours.  If you tend to get ‘side-tracked’ a timer can be helpful.  Set it for 15 minutes and it will act as a friendly reminder to get done and move on!

If you are not sure where your time is going, then consider doing a personal time study.  It’s easy.  For one-two weeks, literally, write down everything you do each day – from the trivial phone call to project work and appointments.  Note the amount of time you spend on each.  At the end of the study, identify which tasks moved you toward your goals.  So where are the time wasters (tasks and people) in your days? This can be eye-opening and should give you a good starting point to make the changes.

New Monthly Article & Business Tools

For new business improvement articles, exclusive tools and insights on entrepreneurship, click here to subscribe to my monthly eNewsletter. When you do, I’ll also send you my free eBook, How to Build Profit Through Leverage.



The Secret to Increased Productivity: Get Organized

Secret to Productivity - Get OrganizedAs a business owner, it’s impossible not to get overwhelmed or stressed out from time-to-time. Business and family obligations can consume a lot of time. Information overload and technology can be equally distracting. The secret to surviving in today’s fast paced world starts with personal organization.

Get and Stay Organized

Eliminate clutter. A clean and pleasant workspace can help you think clearer, maintain productivity and reduce stress. Have a place to store information you need to work on later and file cabinets for important documents you need to retain. If you spend a lot of time looking for stuff you need to do the task at hand, then it’s time to de-clutter.

Treat time like a budget. You only have so much time on any given day. You likely use a calendar to schedule personal and business appointments. But what about the other tasks or projects you need to complete? Allocate or block off time on your calendar to work on these as well. The simple act of prioritizing your day will give you a sense of purpose and direction – a key to getting more done.

For additional help with time management, check out my article, 3 Habits to Help You Take Control of Your Time

Keep a master to-do list. Ideas and tasks that need your attention arise throughout the day. If you don’t write them down, they are often forgotten. Capture tasks, big and small, in one place with due dates as appropriate. It’s the best way to ensure deadlines are met and important tasks are completed. Use the list to schedule the most important tasks first on your calendar.

Plan ahead. Schedule 15 minutes at the end of each day to clean up your desk/office and plan your next day.

5 Additional Tips to Get More Done
  1. Stop multitasking. You may think that multitasking saves you time, but the opposite is true. It tends to cost you both time and quality. To learn more, check out the article, The Myth of Multitasking by Christine Rosen.
  2. Be realistic. Tasks often take longer than we expect. When blocking off time, be realistic in terms of what you can control and accomplish in a certain amount of time.
  3. Kill perfection. Trying to do every task perfectly wastes precious time. Not all tasks are created equal. Give your A+ level of effort to really important projects. Settle for less than perfect on others.
  4. Add accountability. While most business owners are self-motivated and driven, managing a business and yourself may cause you at times to lose sight of your goals or get off track. An easy way to fix this is having someone to remind you of your plans and tasks. Check out 5 Signs You Need Greater Accountability
  5. Enjoy some ME time. No matter how busy you are, take some time each day to do something you enjoy. A small break to read, grab lunch, or take a walk will increase productivity. It allows you to recharge your mind and body – so you can get back to the work you need to do with renewed energy.

More Profit Building Ideas

For new business improvement articles, exclusive tools and insights on entrepreneurship, CLICK HERE to subscribe to my monthly eNewsletter. When you do, I’ll also send you my free eBook, How to Build Profit Through Leverage.


Is Procrastination Holding You Back?

We’ve all been guilty of procrastination at some time or another.  It’s okay to admit it.  Many business owners link it to poor time management (no time) or lack of planning (no goals).  While this may play a part, procrastination is more about attitude.

Procrastination is putting off or delaying actions or things that need to be done.  In many cases, we put off important tasks while doing low-value stuff.   So why do we put off for tomorrow what we can do today?  While common excuses include no time and not sure what to do, the main reason for most people is ‘I didn’t feel like doing it’.

The things we often put off are the things we don’t like to do – even when they are important.  In his book, Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy provides 21 ways to stop procrastinating and get more done.  One of the takeaways that I use often is to attack the ‘biggest’ frog first!  Early morning is when I’m at my best so I try to work on critical tasks (even ones I don’t want to do) at that time.  It also gets the ‘task’ off my plate early, so it’s not hanging over me all day long.

Another way to beat procrastination is to break projects into smaller actions.  Big tasks can be overwhelming – so we tend to want to put them off.  Chunk them down and spread them out over smaller periods of time.  Finishing the first task will often motivate you to keep going!

I find these work for me and other suggestions in the book may work for you.  Procrastination is a self-management issue, don’t let it stop you from accomplishing what you need to do to achieve more in your business and in life.

Get Started. Stay On Track

Are you ready to take a leap forward? To get started and stay on track? My accountability programs offer an affordable way to get the help you need.  More than accountability, this program provides business owners with structure, another set of eyes and practical advice too! Click here to learn more.